Friday, February 26, 2010

Minifig Army

From my son:

"There are 91 minifigs in this army. You can practically have 41 bad guys and my army would just blow the bad guys right up.

One guy is armed with an umbrella as a parachute for high jumps and to poke the bad guys. And there's a shark (at the back right corner) that has a spear and when he pokes someone with it, he destroys every bad guy.

My army is so powerful that all my posts combined wouldn't be as powerful as it."

LEGO Brickworld 2010 and other events

We just found out that LEGO Brickworld 2010 will be held June 17-20 at the Westin Hotel in Wheeling, Illinois. If you're going to be in the area around that time, here's the link to their Web site:

Brickworld 2010

Their theme this year is "Bricks in Space." It looks like most of the LEGO Clubs involved are from out east. We probably won't attend the event this year because it's too far away, but we'll follow their news to see what it's all about for next year.

There's a LEGO event closer to home called "Bricks by the Bay" in Fremont in April. They have an expo that's open to the public on Sunday, April 11th that we might go to. Here's the link to get more details:

Bricks by the Bay Public Expo

For those of us who live in the Bay Area, our local LEGO store holds its own Club events every month. The next Club events at the LEGO store will be held on March 13th, 20th, and 27th. The theme will be "LEGO Games." Here's the link for more information:

LEGO Store Events

If you're interested in attending a March event at our local LEGO store, please let us know and we can all register together. If there's enough interest in going to this event, we can make this a LEGO Club field trip!

Please click on the "comments" link at the end of this post if you'd like to post a comment. Thanks!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What happened at LEGO Club today

From my son:

"This is a review from my LEGO Club today. There were 6 of us altogether. The theme was "scenes from Star Wars and other movies." LEGO Club was really fun and we created some cool designs. We had popcorn and CapriSun juice for snacks and we each had one Girl Scout cookie, too.

I built "Destroyer versus Falcon."

Two kids built "Burning Lava" together.

One kid built "Astro Mech Base" and connected his creation to another kid's "Deadly Jail."

My mom made "Award Ceremony."

My sister built 3 creations, "Space Rocket,"

"Home Base,"

and "Big City Meeting."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Buzz's Star Command Spaceship Review

A review from my son:

"This was a present from me to my sister for her birthday and she liked it. The back of it opens up and then you let down a platform and a moon buggy comes out. You can also open up the window and take Buzz Lightyear out on the moon buggy to fight Zurg."

Link to this toy from

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

LEGO link, blog buddies, LEGO joke, and MOCs

Okay, we have several things to share with you today:

  1. First, here's a link to the website where you can download the Family Fun monthly LEGO projects. We like to print out these building instructions for our weekly LEGO Club.

    Here's our completed February projects:

  2. Next, we'd like to find some "blog buddies." Do you have a blog (that's kid-friendly) that we could check out and link to?

  3. LEGO Joke: What did Han Solo say to the Death Star when it grabbed his LEGO Millenium Falcon in its tractor beam?
    Answer: LEGO, Death Star!

  4. From my son, "Here are three of my best LEGO Duplo creations that I created when I was 6 years old.

    This is the "LEGO Sandcrawler". It took me a while to build it. And if you're wondering, it wasn't my first try. I have, in fact, created many other Sandcrawlers, but of all of them, this one was the best.

    This is the "LEGO 1 Space Shuttle" and its launch platform.

    LEGO Walter may not look like it, but he can stand on his own. On the back of him, there's a piece of LEGO that sticks out."

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Millennium Falcon Review

My son's post (I'm typing it in for him:)

"This was my Christmas present and surprisingly, I didn't think my parents would buy it because it was so big. It includes a walkway, Han Solo and the rest of the crew, a cockpit, 7 legs, cool laser guns and a plaque.

I liked it. It took me about 5 weeks to build it all by myself (with a small bit of help from my dad.)

Pros: the laser guns spin 360 degrees around, the walkway actually moves, and the cockpit is removable (so the people can come out.)

Cons: it fell apart many times because it wasn't held together very well. Some pieces were only held on by 2 studs. It was too heavy to play with and the walkway to the cockpit kept falling off.

Cost: 3 out of 5 stars (I'd prefer $300 instead of $500)

Building experience: 4 out of 5 stars (it fell apart a few times)

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars (it took a bit long to build, but in the end it turned out GREAT!!!)"

Sunday, February 21, 2010

LEGO Club Update

Our next LEGO Club will be this Thursday, February 25th from 3-4 PM (right after school.) This week's theme will be "scenes from your favorite Star Wars movie." Everyone who builds a scene will win a prize.

We'll also bring out a few small Star Wars kits for those who want to use instructions to build. If you need a ride to LEGO Club, please let me know. See you on Thursday!

Hello and Welcome...

Hello, this is my LEGO Club blog that I'm sharing with my son. We want to share all the cool things we do with LEGO bricks, including running a LEGO Club from our house, and also showing some of the cool stuff we like to design and build.

This is an intro from my son (I'll get him up and running soon so he can post his own content:)

"I'll show you some of my favorite LEGO toys (like Architecture, Atlantis, Castle, City, Creator, Duplo, Ferrari, Holiday, Indiana Jones, monthly projects, Soccer, my Lego Club, Pirates, self-built (MOC), Star Wars, and Technic) and I'll discuss them with you here.

These are my four different LEGO Architecture toys. They are the John Hancock Center, the Sears Tower, the Seattle Space Needle, and the Empire State Building. I'd like to get the Guggenheim Museum but I'm still saving up for it.
Lego Architecture modelsJohn Hancock Tower, Sears Tower, Seattle Space Needle, Empire State Building
LEGO Soccer
This is the oldest LEGO toy that I own. I like to play it with my friends.
Lego Soccer toyYou can actually play soccer with this!
My LEGO Club
I have a LEGO club with some of my friends and we build Legos together to have fun. Next week's theme is "Your Favorite Scene From Star Wars."