Tuesday, February 23, 2010

LEGO link, blog buddies, LEGO joke, and MOCs

Okay, we have several things to share with you today:

  1. First, here's a link to the LEGO.com website where you can download the Family Fun monthly LEGO projects. We like to print out these building instructions for our weekly LEGO Club.

    Here's our completed February projects:

  2. Next, we'd like to find some "blog buddies." Do you have a blog (that's kid-friendly) that we could check out and link to?

  3. LEGO Joke: What did Han Solo say to the Death Star when it grabbed his LEGO Millenium Falcon in its tractor beam?
    Answer: LEGO, Death Star!

  4. From my son, "Here are three of my best LEGO Duplo creations that I created when I was 6 years old.

    This is the "LEGO Sandcrawler". It took me a while to build it. And if you're wondering, it wasn't my first try. I have, in fact, created many other Sandcrawlers, but of all of them, this one was the best.

    This is the "LEGO 1 Space Shuttle" and its launch platform.

    LEGO Walter may not look like it, but he can stand on his own. On the back of him, there's a piece of LEGO that sticks out."

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