Thursday, March 4, 2010

LEGO Club + What's New?

From my son:

"In LEGO Club today, we built LEGO toys out of gears and wheels.

Helicopter Pulling a Carriage:

The Magic Gear Bullet:

The Breakdown Car:

The Dead Car Race:

Car Conflict:

LEGO Clone Airship:

Food Maker:

Eye Car:

LEGO Project of the Month (Leprechaun and his pot of gold):

I found out about a new kind of LEGO called LEGO Games. So far, there are 5 games of their planned 10 on their Web site. My favorite one is the Pirate Code game because first, it has lots of LEGO blocks to build, and second, it happens to look like it has a great idea of a game.

Plus, there's another kind of LEGO toy called Prince of Persia coming in April 2010. I'll talk about it tomorrow."

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