Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Theme for LEGO Club this week

LEGO Club meets again this Thursday, March 3rd at 3 pm at our home.

The theme this week is "LEGO wheels and gears." I will provide a demo of how to use LEGO wheels and gears to help you build a cool creation. Then we'll take photos of our creations and post them up to this blog!

Note: Due to the early dismissals at school next week, we won't have LEGO Club next Thursday, March 10th.

LEGO Club will resume on Thursday, March 18th. Keep building!


  1. From my son:

    "Yes, I really liked the yellow vehicle with the crane attached and the gear-y steer-y car. I like your control tower, too."

  2. its a stand with a droid spy duisised as a control tower

  3. If that's a disguise, then it's pretty good!
