Tuesday, April 6, 2010

LEGO store monthly mini model build and poll results

My son and I decided to attend our local LEGO store's monthly mini model build today (Tuesday, April 6th). The event, which started at 5 PM, was free, and open to children aged 8 to 14. The model for April was the LEGO chick.

What my son thought of the mini model build event today:
"I thought that the line was a little long. It may not be worth the wait, but I was okay with waiting anyways. And when we got to the front of the line, we had to wait a bit before a table was cleared and refilled with LEGO pieces. Unfortunately, they told us we couldn't take home the instructions because they only had a few. I liked building the LEGO chick and it is currently displayed on my dresser."

Waiting in line for the event:

One hour later, almost there:

Building the chick in the LEGO store:

Can you find the LEGO chick in all this yellow?

Poll Results and New Poll for This Week:
Thanks to everyone who voted in this week's sidebar poll, "What is your favorite LEGO theme?" Here are the results:

LEGO City: 1 out of 8 votes
LEGO Pirates: 1 out of 8 votes
LEGO Star Wars: 3 out of 8 votes (winner, tied with Other Themes)
LEGO Other Themes: 3 out of 8 votes (tied with Star Wars)

This week's new question is, "Have you ever attended a LEGO Convention?"

Have fun voting!

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