Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lego Engineering Challenge at the YMCA, Day 2

Today, on Day 2 of my Lego Summer Camp journal, we made cars with treads to complete the day's objective (make a car and/or machine that can bring a small-sized practice baseball out of a bin and get the ball from the ground to the top of the overturned bin about 2 feet away.)

June 12, 2011:

Today we made cars that could pass the 2 tests (as shown in the introduction) successfully. When the class was starting, there were several ideas for potential things that could pass the tests (ex. crane and ramp.) The idea that the Lego teacher had in mind was a car that could drive the ball around to pass the test.

It took a little while to build the car on our own. When we were done, we added a brick/axle/Miscellaneous piece to the cars to identify them as ours. I put on a finger (a bent, circular beam) onto the left side of our car. The Lego teacher called us in to a Lego lesson.

He explained about the idea of turning while going straight: put one side in reverse and the other in forward. And he explained about treads on our vehicles.

When the lesson was done, we could go into pairs or not, and I decided to go alone, because everybody already had their cars together.

It took another 10-15 minutes to build my own 2nd car. Later I connected the 2 with a brick plate. Then I made a slanted board with edge-on brick technique. (Put a plate on a ninety-degree angle to the studded brick you put it on and stick it in between two studs.) When I tried the idea on the plate, it didn't work. I was about to redesign it when the camp ended. Ah, well, maybe next time.

Overall, I had a good day at YMCA Lego camp.

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